Downloadable Seaplane Resources

Seaplane Base Resources

Seaplane Compatibility Issues Summary

This summary explains the results of an in-depth study that was done to determine whether or not seaplanes were compatible with other user groups that utilize public waterways.

Seaplane Compatibility Issues Summary.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 920.5 KB

Seaplane Compatibility Issues - The Full Report

This report covers safety, noise and jurisdictional issues regarding seaplanes.

Adobe Acrobat Document 19.1 MB

FAA Advisory Circular AC 150/5395-1B Seaplane Bases

This is a great resource and should be used to help you complete the FAA Form 7480-1 Notice of Landing Area Proposal. It discusses many of the considerations and techniques for establishing a seaplane base.

Adobe Acrobat Document 19.1 MB

Practices in Preserving and Developing Public Use Seaplane Bases

Public-use seaplane bases throughout the United States may be publicly challenged, yet seaplane operations continue to serve a multitude of transportation and recreational pur- poses, including promotion of local economies. The objective of this report is to review current practices in developing and preserving public-use seaplane bases throughout the United States, and identify their benefits, challenges, and gaps in practice. The report reviews and presents information on the seaplane base planning process, design considerations, permits, regulatory requirements, and facility and service needs of seaplane bases. For those interested in preserving seaplane bases, effective practices in collecting data and public messag- ing, comprehensive transportation planning, environmental safeguards, and public outreach possibilities are presented. The report synthesizes available information to present a state- of-affairs report on seaplane bases.

Adobe Acrobat Document 2.9 MB

Lake Hood Economic Impact Study Results

The economic impact of seaplanes is an area that needs to be stressed, and unfortunately we there is not a lot of data on this topic. Thankfully, Lake Hood has compiled the economic impact of its seaplane base and you can view and share the dramatic results by downloading this file.

Lake Hood Economic Impact.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.1 MB

Filing for a Seaplane Base

FAA Seaplane Base Notice of Landing Area Proposal Form 7480-1

This is the form that you use to apply for a private or public seaplane base with the FAA.

Note that the FAA Advisory Circular AC 150/5395-1A shown below can be used to help you complete this form.

Adobe Acrobat Document 517.4 KB

Certifying a Seaplane Base Guidance By State

Certifying a Seaplane Base in Florida - Guidance

This document will help guide you through the process of filing and certifying a seaplane base in the state of Florida.

Certifying a Seaplane Base Florida.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.4 MB

Seaplane Insurance

Seaplane Insurance Primer

This booklet explains what you need to know before you purchase seaplane insurance.

Insurance Primer.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 265.3 KB

Security, Customs and Law Enforcement

Security Tips for Seaplane Pilots

Digital Books

Go To Hull : The Gospel According to Saint Stephen

Adobe Acrobat Document 519.6 KB

Seaplane & Float Restoration

FAA Advisory Circular 43-205 Guidance for Selecting Chemical Agents and Processes for Depainting and General Cleaning of Aircraft and Aviation Products

This FAA document provides specific guidelines and guidance on what chemicals and processes can and should be used when removing paint and other coating from aircraft metals.

AC 43-205.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 22.5 KB

Flying America's Waterways

This FAA document provides specific guidelines and guidance on what chemicals and processes can and should be used when removing paint and other coating from aircraft metals.

Flying America’s Waterways.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 522.0 KB