BlueGreen Xtreme, OceanFloats/Tundra Tires/SnoSkis
CRM safety for both conventional and extreme flying is emphasized. Transitional flight training and ground instruction for pilots holding a private pilot certification or above for land and/or sea. Rough-water and emergency short landing practice encouraged. Explore the Pacific Northwest via mountain/canyon flying, wilderness training, fishing, wildlife viewing, beach picnics, volcanoes, dining, and more. Open […]
Seattle Seaplanes
ASES add-on ratings and initial private and commercial training in the heart of Seattle on Lake Union. Six to ten hours training for ASES add-on. Flights on fresh and saltwater. World’s sweetest Doberman on staff.
Seaplane Scenics and Adventures in Flight
Seaplane Scenics is Seattle’s newest seaplane company. We specialize in flight instruction, seaplane tours, and Charters. We accommodate private and commercial seaplane add-on ratings, and almost any seaplane experience you can dream. Advanced training is available: amphibious float training, rough water, mountain flying, and high-altitude lakes. We have also added a Cessna 172 I on […]
Kenmore Air Harbor
Allow a minimum of 3-4 days for course completion, if proficient and current on single-engine piston aircraft. Weather dependent. Use of the aircraft for the checkride is included in both package deals. Space available ride-along on a scheduled domestic Kenmore Air Flight also included in package rate. Examiner on staff. Dual in privately owned aircraft […]
Boeing Employees Flying Association (BEFA)
You must join BEFA to receive training. See BEFA membership is open primarily to Boeing employees. Non-Boeing members are allowed in according to association bylaws. Contact BEFA for information. There is a one-time nonrefundable join fee, recurring monthly fee, hourly airplane rate, and hourly Instructor rate.