We offer flight training in a 1944 Grumman Goose. The hourly rate is $1,450 / flight hour (air time), and we also offer a day-session that includes about 3.5 hours for $3,900. All flights are customized to meet your specific training goals and usually include a stop for lunch at a scenic Alaska lake. On a limited basis we are able to offer the MES add-on rating to applicants who have the SES and MEL ratings for a package price of $11,500. The MES rating is a thorough four-day course that covers all aspects of flying hull amphibs in general and the Goose in particular. We also offer a Biennial Flight Review for pilots who are already MES rated. We operate during the ice-free months, which usually begin in May and last through sometime in October. For more details please see the website goosehangar.com.