
UT: AirCam Adventure to SE Utah

SE Utah is an off-the-charts, super cool place to fly an AirCam.

Enjoy daily treks to places like Valley of the Gods, the fingers of Lake Powel, the area surrounding Moab including Arches and Canyonlands national parks and more. These places are spectacular to see from the ground, but when viewed from an AirCam the visual experience is almost indescribable. The end of each day becomes an AirCam social event as our group gets together to share the experiences of the day.

We will base the planes at Blanding Airport (KBDG) where there is plenty of ramp space, 100LL fuel and a small FBO building with restrooms. We’ll stay in the nearby town of Bluff which offers great accommodations and many superb restaurants.

Most of our group will stay at the either the Desert Rose Bluff or Recapture Lodge. Check out their websites and book your reservations early because we expect both of them to fill up. If those hotels are full, or don’t suit your needs, there are others available.

AirCams West from Florida Film & Tape on Vimeo.

More Information:

Date and Time

09/11/2022 – 09/17/2022


Map Unavailable