
MN: Minnesota Seaplane Pilots Association’s Annual Safety Seminar

Madden’s on East Gull Lake, Brainerd. Twin Cities Sectional Chart.

This wonderful event, since 1976, is about promoting
safety. We welcome seaplane, ski plane and wheel plane
pilots to the Saturday full-day seminar. Friday night
fish fry on the beach. Evening banquet on Saturday.
Restaurant, marina, fuel & grass runway at East Gull
Lake Airport (9Y2) and hard-surface runway at KBRD,
docks, sand beach. Camping at the East Gull Lake
Airport also available.

Madden’s on Gull Lake is located
at 11266 Pine Beach Peninsula, Brainerd, Minnesota,
56401. Reservations call 800-642-5363; fax 218-829-
7698; email

Other questions contact Steve Guetter at 952-484-9457 or steve@ or

Date and Time

09/20/2024 – 09/21/2024


Map Unavailable