
CO: 2024 Colorado Seaplane Splash-In

Location: Crowley County Park, County Lane 21, Sugar City, CO

Date: Saturday, June 8, 2024

Time: 0800-1400


This event will feature the firefighting Amphibious AT-802F Scooping Single Engine Air Tanker – known in the marketplace around the world as the Fire Boss (  Wildfires pit time and Mother Nature against fire crews. The Fire Boss® helps land and fire management agencies gain the upper hand.


The Fire Boss that will be at our show is owned and operated by Dauntless Air (  Dauntless Air is the largest and most experienced Fire Boss operator in the world, with a fleet of 22 Fire Bosses.


Mike Smith, of Johnson City, KS, an avid seaplane supporter and Lake pilot passed away on 12/24/2023.  He will be remembered with a memorial during the splash-in.

Date and Time



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