
CA: Clear Lake Aviation Gathering

The Clear Lake Aviation Gathering is a weekend of aviation and aerial photography seminars and events including presentations about flying seaplanes, the AOPA High School STEM Curriculum, a youth flight training program and future aviation activities at Clear Lake and a seaplane fly out.

The conference is produced by the Clear Lake Flying Club,, and the Professional Aerial Photographers Association,

The program includes an aerial photography exhibit entitled Aerial Visions of Seaplanes, from Seaplanes and Over Water, a raffle and silent auction, a wine tasting, catered hangar dinner and a seaplane fly out from Clear Lake to Lake Berryessa. For attendees accompanying aviators and aerial photographers not interested in attending the seminars, a winery tour of a selection of Lake County’s finest wineries is an option. Participation in the winery tour requires a separate advance registration.

Check-in for the conference begins at 7:45am at Lampson Field Airport (1O2) in Lakeport, California on April 22. The first seminar begins at 8:15am.

The pilot briefing for the seaplane fly out to Lake Berryessa in Napa County (mandatory for all pilots in command of aircraft joining the fly out) begins at 11:30am.

A lunch break takes place from noon through 2pm. Complimentary transportation is provided for conference attendees from Lampson Field to central Lakeport. Red’s At The Skyroom also serves lunch and is located on the airport. The cost of lunch is not covered by the conference registration.

A silent auction of aviation and Lake County specific items with 50% of the proceeds going to the Clear Lake Flying Club Youth Scholarship Fund will take place from registration through the conclusion of the wine tasting. Raffle tickets benefiting the scholarship fund will also be on sale at the conference.

A wine tasting is scheduled to begin at 5:45pm–tickets will be available as an add-on at this site and at the conference once wine tasting details have been confirmed.

Aerial photographers are invited to submit photographs for possible inclusion in the exhibit at the conference. A committee of leading aerial photographers and artists will curate the exhibit. Attendance at the conference is not required to submit prints to be considered for inclusion in the exhibit.

Voting for the conference attendees’ favorite aerial photograph of a seaplane, from a seaplane, the best photograph taken over water and the best overall aerial photograph will take place during the wine tasting.

A catered hangar dinner begins at 6:30pm.

The results of the raffle, the silent auction and photo exhibit attendee votes will be announced after dinner.

A seaplane fly out to Lake Berryessa from Clear Lake and Lampson Field guided by Terry Hayes, a single and multi engine seaplane certified flight instructor at Foothill Aviation and a charter pilot with Backcountry Flying Experience in Kalispell, Montana takes place on Sunday, April 23. Seaplanes will be beaching at Lake Berryessa for lunch, swimming and fishing. To fish at Lake Berryessa, be sure to obtain a California Fishing License before the fly out.

Locations: Lampson Field Airport (1O2), Clear Lake and Lake Berryessa

Frequencies: 1O2: CTAF/UNICOM: 122.8
WX AWOS-3: 118.35 (707-262-0380)
WX ASOS at UKI (16 nm NW): 119.275 (707-462-7343)

RNAV (GPS)-A Approach Available

100LL self service on field

Aircraft parking at transient parking adjacent to Red’s Restaurant

Map showing event location at:

Event Flyer:

Please register for the event here:

Date and Time

04/22/2023 – 04/23/2023


Map Unavailable