Virginia is considered a seaplane friendly state with over 1,530 lakes and 10,00 miles of shoreline. Centrally located along the Mid-Atlantic, Virginia provides seaplane operators a convenient stop for fuel or a great vacation opportunity. There are 7 seaplane bases listed on the Virginia’s aeronautical charts but currently none provide avgas. Many of the marinas throughout the state are seaplane friendly and do offer ethanol-free avgas. With a concerted effort by the 209 seaplane pilots already in Virginia we can make the business and sport of flying seaplanes in Virginia much safer for the pilots and citizens of this great commonwealth through education and preservation and cooperation.
The Virginia Seaplane Pilots Association was formed in May 2013. It’s main goal is to educate, promote, and preserve seaplane operations throughout the commonwealth of Virginia. The VSPA hosts 5 splash-in events throughout the summer months culminating in their annual Lake Gaston Splash-In. This event draws approximately 1,000 spectators and over a dozen seaplanes. Education of public officials, decision makers, other waterway users and the general public about seaplanes and their operations is key to continued acceptance on commonwealth waterways. Promotion of seaplanes in a public safety and service role provides value to the local community. Education and promotion will result in the preservation of seaplane operators’ rights to share the commonwealth’s natural resources with other groups.