Founded by a Navy test pilot instructor in 2018, Southern Maryland Seaplanes is a growing part-time operation which aims to provide quality stick-and-rudder training for new and experienced pilots alike. Our 160-hp Piper PA-12 on EDO 2000 straight floats makes an outstanding platform in which to learn and is expected to return to service late-season 2021. The Republic Seabee is the newest addition to the fleet, which provides a complex, high performance, tailwheel, and amphibious flying boat experience. We also provide beginner and advanced tailwheel instruction in a Cessna 140. Sightseeing flights are available in the PA-12 and Seabee.
Located about 1 hour 30 minutes southeast of Washington, D.C., St. Mary’s County airport is surrounded by the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. A large variety of landing sites surround us for training on and around the Patuxent and Potomac Rivers. Further down the peninsula, Wingfield houses our PA-12 and sits on picturesque St. Jerome’s Creek. Our float season runs from April through November. Please contact us for more information and we will make every effort to accommodate your training needs.